Augmented Reality is an immersive experience that enhances the physical world by projecting computer-generated graphics into the environment in real-time. These digitally created objects are designed to recognise and interact with the real world obstructing the field of view. This seamless integration of the physical and virtual world provides viewers with additional information about a sporting event during a live feed.
Adds to the entertainment of the match at hand and builds excitement|Provides visual context to informational content|Educates the viewer to create more interest and excitement|Changes are quick, easy and can take less than a minute to implement|Enhanced picture quality|Requires little manpower as majority of work is computerised.
Our output engines are fully licensed and equipped with camera tracking technology. Once a clean output is received from the cameras on the field, the digital components are integrated and projected on the screen. All graphic overlays are created ahead of time by our dedicated team of graphic designers.